Faculty member, Department of Health Promotion, School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine at Tel Aviv University
Former Chair of the Department of Health promotion, School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine at Tel Aviv University .
Head, health promotion unit, integrated cancer prevention center, Tel-Aviv Medical Center
Former Director and Founder of Integrative Medicine Center & Laboratory of Medicinal Herbs and Cancer Research, Institute of Oncology, Tel-Aviv Medical center.
Section editor of public health, Journal of Clinical Medicine.
Visiting scholar at Prof. Michael P. Snyder’s Lab in the Department of Genetics at Stanford University – Click here for more information.

Effect of Inquiry-Based Stress Reduction on Well-being and Views on Risk-Reducing Surgery Among Women With BRCA Variants in Israel
Carla Landau, Anne Marie Novak, Ariel B. Ganz, Benjamin Rolnik, Eitan Friedman, Shahar Lev-Ari.
JAMA Netw Open. 2021;4(12):e2139670. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.39670

Effect of Inquiry-Based Stress Reduction (IBSR) Intervention on Well-Being, Resilience and Burnout of Teachers during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Zadok-Gurman T, Jakobovich R, Dvash E, Zafrani K, Rolnik B, Ganz AB, Lev-Ari S.
Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2021 Apr 1;18(7):3689.

Dissatisfaction with Married Life in Men Is Related to Increased Stroke and All-Cause Mortality
Lev-Ari S, Yftach Gepner, Uri Goldbourt
Journal of Clinical Medicine 2021 Apr 16;10(8):1729.

Research Grant
Title Effect of Inquiry-Based Stress Reduction on Well-being and Views on Risk-Reducing Surgery Among Women With BRCA Variants in Israel
Question Does the inquiry-based stress reduction technique improve the psychological well-being, sleep quality, and psychosocial variables and change views on risk-reducing surgery in women in Israel with BRCA1/BRCA2 variants?
Findings This randomized clinical trial including 100 patients using an IBSR intervention found that IBSR improved the well-being and sleep quality of women with BRCA1/BRCA2 variants. After the intervention, the participants who underwent IBSR had more favorable view on risk-reducing oophorectomy and mastectomy.
Meaning These findings suggest that IBSR may be used as a tool to enhance the psychological well-being of women with BRCA variants and support them in considering risk-reducing surgery.
JAMA Netw Open. 2021;4(12):e2139670. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.39670

Special Issue
Title: This Special Issue of Biology focuses on recent advances in the field of physiology of contemplative experiences and practices.
This Special Issue of Biology focuses on recent advances in the field of the physiology of contemplative experiences and practices. Important advances in neuroscience, psychology and clinical medicine suggest that contemplative practices and experiences may change the brain and body (both function and structure) and potentially help improve health problems, enhance well-being and promote healthy behavior
Lev-Ari Research Team
Our research focus on theoretical exploration of the causes, mediators, and health outcomes of well-being; and development, implementation and assessment interventions for prevention and health promotion
Contact details
- https://en-med.tau.ac.il/profile/leva
- leva@tauex.tau.ac.il
- 03-6407742
- 03-6405717
- 052-7360770
- 03-6947506
- Sackler School of Medicine, 941